Tell me About the Prophet Musa

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"This book presents the life and times of the Prophet Musa, from the days of his infancy, when he was put in a box in the river Nile, to the period of his divine mission and preaching of Allah's words. It describes how Allah saved him miraculously from the death sentence of the tyrant Firawn, his upbringing in the palace, and his journey to Madyan and back when, on Mount Sinai, Allah spoke to him directly. It goes on to describe the parting of the sea and the utter defeat of Firawn and his mighty army as Prophet Musa leads his followers out of Egypt. Finally, the Children of Israel reach the Promised Land. The life of Musa is full of happenings, adventures and excitement, and has lessons and guidelines for all times. The focus throughout the book is on the spirit of the Prophet Musa's story, and on the lessons that it has for our daily lives. These exciting historical events are presented in a simple, informative style, with beautiful illustrations, so that young people may easily understand and enjoy them. ""The Tell Me About"" Series offers an exciting presentation of the lives of the Prophets of Allah and rituals of Islam. This book presents the life and times of Prophet Musa (a) from the days of his infancy, when he was put in a box in the Nile River, to the period of his divine mission of spreading Allah's word. The series captures the story of Musa (a) well and easily holds the reader's attention. Side bar columns add interesting facts about life during the time of Musa (a). A combination of illustrations and photographs help give the child a sense of what life was like during this historical time. The book is well documented and lists the references of Qur'anic verses related to Prophet Musa (a) at the back. Great for home and school libraries and recommended to share with non-Muslims" - from Amzon 
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